Monday 2 August 2010

...wonderful birthday surprises!

It was my 28th birthday recently and it delivered not one but two wonderful surprises, which I have been able to cleverly display for you in this one post.

The first was a beeeeeeee-eautiful bunch of long-stem white roses, which a darling gorgeous friend of mine had arranged to be delivered to my office from her hospital bed. The roses were hand-delivered by said friend's sister, who also came bearing a slice of M&S Victoria sponge cake! Really - is there a more perfect package of goodies to receive on a birthday when you're stuck at work? And all from a lady with many more things to be thinking about than ensuring I have something to pretty to look at on my birthday. But then I guess there are just some people who will always manage to brighten up your day and put a big smile on your face, irrespective of the other trials and challenges that they might be going through at that particular time. A sign of true character, if ever there was one.

My second surprise gift of the day was from Mr Kat, who bought me a brand new Canon Ixus 130 camera. I wasn't even aware that there was anything wrong with my current camera until I gave my new one a whirl and, well, I think these photos probably speak for themselves. Its a true piece of camera wizardry if ever I saw it and it makes it virtually impossible to take a bad photo!! Which is nice.



1 comment:

  1. Hello Kat

    Happy Belated birthday - I too love the Canon Ixus range - what a wonderful present.

    Florence x
