Saturday 21 August 2010

...more fabric jewellery

I would love to tell you that the past 19 days have been spent in some kind of Jelly Roll frenzy, which has rendered me completely incapable of updating my posts; that my every waking hour has been spent knee deep in gorgeous strips of fabric and that I have created a mountain of spectacular new items to dazzle you all with. This, sadly, would be a lie. Yes, there have been moments of extreme fabric joy and, yes, I have had a brrrrilliant time playing with my new stash and coming up with some new ideas to inspire my ever-growing fabric jewellery obsession. However, there have also been moments of extreme laziness where I could quite easily have turned on the computer and put some of my exploits down in writing…..but didn’t. How do people do it! Routine is key, I feel.

So, whilst I go away to consider the best way for me to get my Blogging Groove on, I shall leave you all with some pictures of the little pretties that I have been crafting out of the majestic Jelly Roll. And, honestly, I haven’t even scratched the surface of it yet!!

The first items I came up with were these hair barrettes, which I made out of a very sweet brown and pastel fabric. I really love the five-pointed flower with the lime green button – don’t know if I can quite pull this off myself, being 28-years old woman and all. But I know my 8-year old self would have loved something like this. The Suffolk-puff barrette also worked quite well, I think, but maybe a bolder fabric would have worked better with such a small-scale item.

I think these next items might be my favourite. The red dotty fabric is just so pretty and works really well with the rose design. And I think it definitely makes the difference using a bolder/more detailed fabric for the small suffolk-puff ring.

And last but by no means least, these little lovelies:-

I am in two minds about the barrette – one part of me thinks it might be a bit too “squished together”, having the two roses side by side like that, but, as time goes on, it is starting to grow on me a bit. I really love the rose ring but would possibly use a lighter fabric next time so the folds are a bit more obvious – I want it to look like a rose, not just a random bundled-up piece of fabric!

Maybe one day I will make a whole batch of these sorts of things and endeavour to sell them on my very own craft stall somewhere – I can just picture them scattered across a trestle table and heaped into big decorative bowls for people to rifle through. I would love to see what people really think of my humble creations and whether anyone would part with their hard-earned pennies for them. Obviously, it’s always lovely to get positive feedback from friends and family but it must be utterly brilliant to know that someone is willing to buy something that you have made with your own fair hands – the real acid test!


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