Friday 12 November 2010 arrivals!

I dare not even try to work out just how long it has been since my last post......I suspect that many weeks (and possibly even months - eeek!) may have passed.

However, one of my New Year resolutions (not that I believe in such things, of course) is to think less and do more so, without further pause for thought or regret, I shall move swiftly on!

The last few months have been a time of extreme excitement in my household as we have had a little addition to our small-but-perfectly-formed family of two - no, not the traditional pitter patter of tiny baby feet but rather the mad scrambling of furry paws. That's right, we have adopted our very own cat, Derrick Bostrom! Now I appreciate that this is possibly the most ridiculous name ever to be given to a cat, and indeed it attracted a few raised eyebrows at the Vets, especially when Mr Kat insisted that both names be added to his record (in addition to my surname!) when the poor blighter was chipped. However, the original Derrick Bostrom is a very popular drummer in our household and Mr Kat saw this as the perfect opportunity to make the ultimate accolade to one of his musical heroes. Personally, I think its ridiculous and try to refrain from using his full name wherever possible - Dez Boz suits me just fine.

So here we are, my new furry baby.........

And what a handsome devil he is.

In other (more creative) news, I have been hard at work trying to develop some new ideas for a jewellery/accessories range that I want to bring out later this year - hopefully with a view to finally setting up my very own stall at a local craft fair, something which I have talked about for many years but which I have never quite gotten around to. I find it quite daunting to think about just how much stock I would need to make to fill even the most humble of trestle tables and have always just settled for making things for friends or for sale on E Bay. However, it is my most sincere intention that 2011 will be the year when I finally grab the bull by the horns and try to carve myself a place in the local craft community!!

I have also been working on various functional items for around the home, including this curtain for my boiler cupboard:-

(with bonus Dez Boz...)

And these cushions for...well, anywhere really:-

Here's to 2011, a year full of promise, intrigue and (fingers crossed!) fulfilled resolutions!

Happy New Year one and all!


X x